The Beginners Guide to Meditation

Take it one moment at a time.

“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally.”

      -  Jon Kabat-Zinn

It sounds simple - pay attention to the moment. If I become distracted have I failed? What if it is hard to clear my mind? I don’t know if I can do this. What if I just notice all of the pain and discomfort?

These are common worries and concerns about mindfulness practice.

I have good news. Paying attention to the present moment is something we practice over and over and over again when we are practicing mindfulness. Being distracted is not failing, it is an important moment that allows us to refocus our attention. Refocusing time and time again is the point of meditation. You can do it! What are the benefits?

Less emotional reactivity

More cognitive flexibility

Reduced rumination

Stress reduction

Increased focus

Reduced psychological distress

Fear modulation

Some people start their meditation practice with 2-5 minutes of meditation a day and work up from there. Are you ready to reap the benefits?

Join us in a mindfulness class and we will guide you to a sustainable practice.


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